Personal Data Protection Policy

1-) General Social Factory Technology and Marketing Joint Stock Company ("Company") pays attention to processing and preserving the personal data acquired from visitors ("Users") of ("Site") in compliance with the Law on Protection of Personal Data ("Law"), company policy, and relevant legal obligations. Therefore, with this disclosure statement, we would like to inform you about the purposes of collection and use of your personal data and your rights under the Law.

2-) Collection of Personal Data The Company, as the data controller, collects your personal data through methods such as:

  • Website - Social Media Platforms - Applications - Other verbal, written, and electronic methods

in order to provide service standards, implement commercial strategies, inform you about relevant processes regarding site usage, and similar purposes, with your explicit consent and approval.

3-) Processing of Personal Data and Purpose of Processing Your personal data are processed in accordance with the conditions specified in Articles 4, 5, and 6 of the Law.

While your personal data are not limited; they may be processed for purposes such as establishing and implementing the Company's commercial and business strategies, informing you about relevant processes regarding site usage, and similar purposes. Every kind of technical and administrative measure is taken to securely preserve your personal data in compliance with company policy and legal obligations.

4-) Transfer of Personal Data Your personal data may be shared with individuals domiciled domestically or abroad who have a business relationship with the Company, and with public institutions and organizations to which the Company is legally obliged to share; relevant organizations and individuals may contact you for the purpose of site usage. Personal data may be transferred abroad for commercial or legal reasons. The transfer of personal data will be carried out in accordance with Articles 8 and 9 of the Law.

Your personal data are shared with civil society organizations with which the Company has partnerships, to prepare digital donation certificates and similar official documents. Similarly, civil society organizations are obliged to use your personal information for each specific purpose and in accordance with data protection provisions.

5-) Rights of the Data Subject Pursuant to Article 11 of the Law, everyone has the right to apply to the data controller and request:

  1.  To learn whether personal data are processed,  Request information if personal data have been processed,  
  2. To learn the purpose of processing personal data and whether they are used in accordance with their purpose,  
  3. To know the third parties to whom personal data are transferred domestically or abroad,  
  4. To request correction if personal data are incomplete or inaccurate,  
  5. To request the deletion or destruction of personal data within the framework of the conditions stipulated in Article 7 of the Law,  
  6. To request that the transactions made in accordance with paragraphs (5) and (6) be notified to the third parties to whom the personal data have been transferred,  
  7. To object to the occurrence of a result against oneself by means of analysis of personal data exclusively through automated systems,  
  8. To request compensation in case of damage due to unlawful processing of personal data.

To exercise the rights mentioned above, you can send your request via registered mail to the address [email protected] or to the email address [email protected], specifying the necessary information to identify your identity and your explanations regarding the right you want to exercise, also indicating which right under Article 11 of the Law you want to exercise.